Tuesday, November 28, 2017

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جديد من جلوبال إيجي أجري جوب

Saturday, April 16, 2016

         هكذا تكلم أفلاطون صاحب الجمهورية وفيلسوف الحب
سافر أفلاطون في شبابه إلى مصر والتقى بالفراعنة وتحدث في مؤلفاته عن قارة "أطلانطس المفقودة" وكان يحمل أفكار مهمة مثل المدينة الفاضلة "اليوتوبيا" ويتخيل فيها شروطًا سياسية واجتماعية محددة.
واليوتوبيا في نظر أفلاطون هي انعكاس ما على الأرض كصورة حقيقية لجوهر السماء المكنون.
تبنى أفلاطون طريقة جديدة في التصنيف وهي عبارة عن طريقة حوارية لصياغة مؤلفاته وقواعده التي ينحتها وينتجها.
وكغيره من الفلاسفة أثر عنه الكثير من المقولات التي اعتبرها البعد بداية لثورة من الأفكار التي ربما كانت في زمانه صعبة التحقيق أو التمثيل.
وننقل لكم اليوم بعضًا من مقولات أفلاطون التي سطرها التاريخ وذلك في ذكرى وفاته:
يقول أفلاطون:" الأكثر حكمة هو من يملك السلطة الأعلى"
وفي هذا إشارة إلى أن السلطة الراشدة منوطة بالحكمة ولا تنفك عنها بحال، ولا يعد حكيماً من ترقى للسلطة عبر درج الهذر والجور، ولكن يعد حاكمًا راشدًا من تحلى بالحكمة والرشاد.
يقول أفلاطون: "قليل من العلم مع العمل به أنفع من كثير من العلم مع قلة العمل به"
وهذا مبدأ عظيم يرسخ لقاعدة عدم نفع العلم الغزير الذي لا ينفع صاحبه بل لابد مع العلم من عمل يتزكى به الإنسان ويحضه على الاستزادة من العلم حتى لا ينفذ رصيده. وفي المقابل فإن العلم القليل ينفع صاحبه إن عمل به.
ويقول كذلك "لا تصير عين البصيرة حادة إلا إذا ضعفت عين الجسد"
وهذا مبدأ عظيم حيث أن عين الجسد إذا قويت تشبعت بالحسد لأنها ستنطلق في حاجات الناس بالذم والحقد، فبقدر ما يضعفها تقوي بصيرته في تقفي الحقيقة واستكشاف الصواب.
ومن أقواله أيضًا: "لا نشين على الظلم لأننا نخشى ارتكابه بل لأننا نخشى أن نعاني منه"
وهذا الأمر يفسر لنا نقمة الناس وتسخطهم على الظالمين وأنه ليس لمجرد أن الظلم تصرف مشين ولكن لأنه يضرنا ونكتوي بناره، وبالتالي كان جاري مظلوم وأنا لا أشعر به فليستمتع بظلمه.
يقول أفلاطون "الانتصار على النفس هو أعظم انتصار"
وذلك لأن النفس أفضل صديق إن عصيتها وأشر خصم إن أطعتها وانتصارك عليها وحملها على الصحيح ودفع المضرات عنها هو أعظم انتصار ولا يوازيه انتصار في الحياة.
ومن نفيس كلامه "تستطيع أن تعرف عن شخص أكثر في ساعة لعب أكثر منه في ساعة حديث".

ربما لأن التركيز فى اللعب يفقد اللاعب تحسس مواضع كلامه وردود أفعاله مما يجعله يتصرف على طبيعته فيظهر أصل طبعه، على عكس المتكلم فانه يتحسس أثر كلامه حتى لايقع فى الخطأ فينكشف طبعه أمام محاوره.

جديد من جلوبال إيجي أجري جوب

Friday, March 11, 2016

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

السجلات الخاصة بمزرعة الأرانب

جديد من جلوبال إيجي أجري جوب
برنامج الوقاية البيطرية للبط
وهو برنامج وقائى لتلافى حدوث أمراض خاصة فى بداية الحياة الإنتاجية للبط ويتلخص فى الآتي :
      من عمر يوم إلى 7 أيام :
      فيتامين (أد3هـ ) بمعدل 0.5 سم3 / لتر ماء شرب إجباري.
     كلورامفينيكول بمعدل 1 سم 3 / لتر ماء شرب إجبارى .
      فيتامين (هـ) بمعدل 0.5 جم / لتر ماء شرب حسب الحالة.
     فيتامينات (ب + ك + كولين ) بمعدل 0.5 جم / لتر ماء شرب إجبارى.
من عمر أسبوعين إلى ثلاث أسابيع :
 فيتامينات وخاصة ( هـ , ب المركب ) بمعدل 0.5 جم / لتر ماء شرب حسب    الحالة.
أملاح معدنية بمعدل 1 جم / لتر ماء شرب حسب الحالة
قص المنقار ( الطرف الأمامى المقوس من الجزء العلوى.
حقن بالأستربتومايسين مرة واحدة بمعدل 100 ملجم / كجم من الوزن الحى.
فيتامين (ك) لمدة يوم واحد بمعدل 0.5 جم / لتر ماء شرب.
نفريل لمدة يوم واحد بمعدل 1 جم / لتر ماء شرب.
عمر أربعة أسابيع
      مضاد كوكسيديا ( بالجرعة الموصى بها .. حسب تركيز الدواء).
      أفلاجين بمعدل 0.5 كجم / طن علف.
       فيورالتادون بمعدل 7 جم / 100 بطة.
       فيتامين ( أد3هـ ) بمعدل 0.5 سم3 لتر ماء شرب.
       فيتامين (ب + ك + كولين ) بمعدل 0.5 جم / لتر ماء شرب.
عمر سبع أسابيع
       سلفاكينو كسالين بمعدل 200 جم / طن علف.
      تونيمكس بمعدل 1 كجم / طن علف ( 10جم/ 10كجم ) , وذلك لمدة عشرة أيام ثم عشرة أيام بدون ( عليقة خالية من التونيمكس ) ...... وهكذا ,
الجدول التالي يوضح مكونات بعض علائق البط وعليك أخي المربي اختيار المتاح منها لديك أو ما تنتجه أنت من مزرعتك أو ما يمكنك شراؤه

مع تحياتي
مهندس زارعي حازم محمد اسماعيل
موبايل: 01281245580

 يمكننا توريد افراخ البط عمر يوم – او 21 يوم بالاضافه لتوفير الادويه اللازمة للبرنامج الوقائي 

جديد من جلوبال إيجي أجري جوب

Friday, May 22, 2015

الماء الممغنط

جديد من جلوبال إيجي أجري جوب

Sunday, May 10, 2015


جديد من جلوبال إيجي أجري جوب

Sunday, June 15, 2014

A lost tree brought back to its home Island


A lost tree brought back to its home Island

Cylindrocline lorencei repatriated to Mauritius Island


Support the return home of Cylindrocline a small tree species extinct in the wild in Mauritius resuscitated from seeds we collected in …1977.
The wonderful natural history of Cylindrocline lorencei
Thirty years ago, a French botanist exploring the high grounds in the centre of the island found the last surviving plants of a small tree species, Cylindrocline lorencei. He had the insight to collect some seeds, and sent them to several botanical gardens around the world. But none succeeded in growing them.  In the meanwhile, those last plants died, the species then being considered extinct in the wild in 1990.
Fortunately, the Brest National Botanical Conservatory (Brest CBN) had kept some seeds under cold preserving conditions. Thanks to advances in both biotechnology and in vitro culture, we succeeded regenerating entire plants in 2000.  The Cylindrocline had been brought back to life!

Since it was discovered by European navigators 400 years ago, Mauritius Island’s native vegetation has lost over 97% of its original surface coverage. A number of bird species, such as the Dodo, as well as other animal species went extinct. And a lot of plant species have also disappeared.
Cylindrocline lorencei: a plant « Dodo ».
Cylindrocline lorencei is a small tree in the Daisy family with leaves covered in fine hairs and purple compound flowers.  The wild tree was endemic to a unique area of the world, Mauritius Island in the Indian Ocean.  It is adapted to harsh climates of mid altitude plateaus where torrential rains alternate with strong droughts periods and where terrible cyclones occur with devastating winds. Its woolly stem is tough but not rigid.  The branches are flexible enough to withstand fiercest storms.  However even these adaptations didn’t allow it to survive deforestation.  Like the famous Dodo bird, it eventually vanished from his home island.

The Dodo bird (Raphus cuculatus) foraging over the Latania loddigesii palm tree’s fruits, in Mauritius around 1700.  Painting by Michael Rothman, 2010 © ACE Coinage , with the kind permission of the Copyright holder, for use in the CBN Brest 2014 Cylindrocline project.

Our project
Since 2011, a repatriation program to Mauritius for most threatened plant species has been undertaken. Our aim is the return of 30 rare endemic plant species, kept since the 1970’s in the Brest CBN’s greenhouses, to the Robinson plant nursery (National Park and Conservation Service, NPCS) located at the centre of the island. The repatriated plants must go through a re-acclimatising process before to be introduced again in their restored wildlife environment. Due to an inevitable loss during the process, emphasis must also be given to strengthening these living collections, since a sufficient number of individual plants is necessary to increase the success of their reintroduction.
Among these 30 plant species being considered for repatriation, Cylindrocline lorencei is certainly the most emblematic. Therefore, your contribution serves both to help multiply and increase the biological stock and send 50 juvenile plants to the NPCS Robinson plant nursery in Mauritius.

What are the fund for?

Why 3 800 € ?
The net figure of 3 800 € covers the in vitro multiplication, cultivating, preparing, and shipping costs of sending the young Cylindroclines in heated airplane cargo holds. The money gathered should allow us to send around 50 plants, and the entire process should take about a year to complete. A breakdown of the costs is  as follows:
  • 2000 € for in vitro plant multiplication made with our partner, the Vegenov Laboratory in Finistere (France). This first step enables to get sprouts issued from plant fragments.
  • 500 € for cultivation and preparing the young plants in the Brest CBN’s greenhouses. Indeed before to ship them, the juvenile plants need to be strengthened. When they are deemed to be tough enough, they are placed in new pots and grouped by batches in large cardboard flats to make the great journey.
  • 800 € to send them under the best possible condition (Heated cargo holds in the airplane are required for their survival during the flight).
  • And at last 500 € needs to be set aside for general management of the operation trough its one year duration. Small expenditures on equipment, administrative costs, and other formalities associated with plant health will be necessary to address for the successfull acheivement of the operation.

What will we do if the amount is reached and passed?
Our goal is not only to bring back and reintroduce a single species, but to repatriate a wider range of up to 30 rare and threatened endemic plant species, together with our Mauritian partners, to the island of their origins.
If this amount is surpassed in the Cylindrocline repatriation phase, we will be happy to have you take a share in the rescue of one of the other plant species (Dombeya mauritiana, Hibiscus fragilis, Nesocodon mauritianus…) and to contribute to the physical restoration of Mauritius Island’s marvelous forests:

About the project owner

The Brest National Botanical Conservatory
(Le Conservatoire botanique national de Brest)

Every year, some 150 to 200 of Earth’s plant species become extinct, vanishing forever! In 1975, the first specialized institution in the world, dedicated to the rescue of endangered plant species was created in France: the Brest National Botanical Conservatory. Its main mission includes the study and rescue of most threatened plant species and their wildlife habitats, located within the world biodiversity conservation “hotspots”, as well as in western France.
We work with a network of skilled and sympathetic observers, wild space managers, state and regional agencies, international NGO’s, laboratories, cultural, educational and university networks …  
Our international action programs include: in situ and ex situ conservation training, skill transfer to local institutions and individuals, developing plant nurseries and conservation structures, plant inventory and data acquisition and compilation of endangered species lists …
Our Website (in French): www.cbnbrest.fr
Our Facebook page:
The « Mauritius Cylindrocline return » program team
Here are the persons who join their efforts for the Cylindrocline repatriation operation:
At Brest National Botanical Conservatory, France (CBN Brest):
Bruno Bordenave (lead botanist in charge of the Mauritius program),
Catherine Gautier (in charge of the ex situ conservation department),
Sarah Cardinal (project coordinator),
Marc Gillot and Claude Le Saout (gardeners)
Stéphane Buord (scientific supervisor)
At the National Parks Conservation Service in Mauritius (NPCS):
Parmananda Ragen (scientific supervisor)

جديد من جلوبال إيجي أجري جوب

Friday, June 13, 2014

Drake Global

جديد من جلوبال إيجي أجري جوب

Saturday, June 7, 2014


جديد من جلوبال إيجي أجري جوب

Sunday, March 16, 2014


  • Free energy device produces magnetic current for lighting magnetic light devices
  • Suggested use - will light six light boxes in homes, businesses, greenhouses, etc.
  • Generator will recycle energy safely to repair environment
  • Generator does not create pollution, so it will help repair the environment
  • Requires Manganese Silicate (Rhodonite) inside the unit
  • Requires mechanical startup
  • Consists of two rotors turning opposite directions simultaneously 
We are providing this free information out of love to help repair our planet. Please help us in educating people about magnetic energy.
This generator utilizes power by directly capitalizing on the natural resource of magnetism. This generator demonstrates that every element has a unique range of vibrations that can be harnessed to give magnetic current a distinct polarity. This unit uses Manganese Silicate (Rhodonite) to produce a flowing magnetic current that produces light in the Magnetic Light Box. People will probably substitute many different elements in this unit to see how they effect the magnetic current being produced. Countless devices will emerge that run on magnetic current, replacing and enhancing devices people currently use. Magnetic current is infinitely more versatile than electricity, and it does not damage living things or the environment like electricity. Regardless of the amount of magnetic current generated, it does not produce pollution and it will always safely recycle itself back into the earth's energy field after it is used.
The motor works as follows:
Figure 1 shows an outer rotor rotated by a brass shaft at 5,610 RPM, which causes the winding assembly to pass between permanent magnets. When this outer rotor is rotating, a second inner rotor is rotated opposite the first rotor. This action then causes the outer rotor to continue to rotate at 5,600 RPM with the inner rotor also continuing to rotate at 2,200 RPM. Magnetic flowing energy is then removed at the six energy removal locations as the unit rotates 24 hours per day at a rate in excess of the equivalent of a one horsepower standard electrical generator. The driving force that actually rotates these rotors is a perfect harmony of attract polarities which create a release timing caused by the interaction of both rotors. 

  1. Vertical brass outer wall measuring 14-3/4"OD, 13-5/8" ID and 13-5/8" High with appropriate shaping
  2. Generator brass base plate, 14-3/4" dia., by 1" thick, shaped as shown.
  3. Two heaving duty ball bearings that do not adhere to a magnet, 1-3/4" ID by 3-7/8" OD, Bearing #.5625 with shields.
  4. Center brass shaft, 17-1/2" long machined to sizes on print.
  5. Aluminum rotating base plate, 1" thick by 14" OD, shaped as shown on print. This plate is screwed to the center shaft Part #4, with a 2-1/2" wide left-hand thread.
  6. Delrin rotating plate secured to part #5 measuring 2-1/4" thick, 14" OD, 1-3/4" ID Note: We highly recommend using one solid piece of Rhodonite which is obtainable in some mines; we will supply the necessary drawings if you are able to obtain the Rhodonite.
  7. Machined slot 7/8 " wide by 1" deep in spiral configuration with a dividing wall 1/32" thick
  8. Are 244 rods pressed into holes, Part #7. These rods measure 7/32" dia. by 10-1/4" long, and made of hardened metal alloy composition of Magnesium, Aluminum, Titanium, Chromium,etc. We will supply a sample if requested.
  9. 165 Rhodonite rods measuring 1" long by 7/8" diameter placed in slot #7
  10. Are 244 drilled and tapped 6/32-screw holes located on the top of each rod Part #8.
  11. One top rod stabilizer cap made of Delrin with 244 holes measuring 7/32" dia. This cap measures 3/8" thick, 10-7/8" ID, 12-7/8" OD. This cap is slid onto the 244 rods exposing the drilled and tapped 6/32 holes.
  12. Are 122 nickel connection bars measuring 3/4" long, 7/32" wide by 1/8" thick. Each bar has two 6/32 holes drilled on a 1/2" centerline to allow 6/32 screws to connect an inner rod to an outer rod.
  13. Copper plates which form the core of the generator winding measure 4-7/8" x 7-3/4" x .010" made of thick rigid copper plate. These plates are to be overlapped by 1/4" then fastened together with nylon 6/32 flat head screws, then rolled into a circle of 11-3/4" ID by 7-3/4" high. 
  14. Generator winding - Plates #13 are then disassembled and each plate is flattened where it is held in a winding fixture at the 1/4" overlap portion. Then the plates are wound with six even layers of #27 insulation copper wire wrapped around forming a coil, 4-3/8" wide by 8" high. After wrapping the coil should have approximately 2,400 turns.
  15. Coil forming - The coil is then put into a bending fixture to reform the coil to its original curved shape where liquid acrylic is used to solidify the coil to prevent it from changing its curved shape.
  16. Coil assembly - when all 8 coils are held to each other by overlapping the copper ends, then screwing them together, this assembled coil is next placed between the rods Parts #8. Next, Part #11 is put over the rods and Parts #12 are firmly secured to the rods.
  17. A brass top ring, 9" ID by 15-1/4" OD by 1" thick with downward lip of 3/8"
  18. Eight outer iron/boron/neodymium magnets, 8-3/8" long, 3/4" thick (by approximately 2-3/4" wide cut to 23-degree angle. Outer radius 7-3/16", Inner radius 6-5/16".
  19. Inner brass tube made of 83% copper, 3% zinc, 2% tin and 7% lead, measuring 10" OD, 8-29/32" ID and 8-5/8" high.
  20. Eight inner magnets made of Iron/boron/neodymium, 8-3/8" long, 7/8" thick by approximately 2-1/4" wide, cut to 23-degree angle. Outer radius is 5-1/2" and inner radius is 4-5/8".
  21. Four graphite electrodes, 2" long, 3/4" wide by 1/4" thick.
  22. Insulated wire that connects Part 21 to a connection below part #5, the Delrin base plate.
  23. Four copper plates 2" long, 3/4" wide by 1/4" thick secured to Part #5.
  24. Four graphite plates, 2" long, 3/4" wide by 1/4" thick, secured to Part #2 Brass base plate.
  25. Four Mica plates, 1/8" thick by 2" long by 3/4" wide to insulate part 24 from part #2.
  26. Four coaxial cable wires secured to part #24, graphite plates.
  27. Nylon ring, 1-1/4" high with an 8-1/2" ID, 9-1/4" OD with six slotted holes.
  28. Six nylon screws to hold Part #27 to Part #19.
  29. Six carbon brushes secured to Part 19 with nylon ring #27 between. These brushes are spaced 60 degrees apart. Each brush measures 1-7/16" high with screws #28 to hold this part and nylon ring to Part #19 inner brass tube.
  30. Sixteen copper bars, 15/16" wide forming a ring 6-13/16" ID by 8-5/8" OD. These copper bars have 1/16" thick Mica between them. The wires from the 8 wound coils get connected to each of these bars (see print bar connection).
  31. A 3/8" deep slot cut into part #5 to hold part #30. This slot is cut360 degrees around 15/16" wide to hold the copper bars in one complete circle with the use of recessed brass flat head screws.
  32. Aluminum casting 7-3/4" high by 8-7/8" OD with a 1-3/8" base.
  33. Two bearings made of magnet material measuring 1-3/8" OD, 1/4" wall, wall thickness 3/4" long secured to Part #32.
  34. Two bearings made of magnet material, which repels to parts #33, measuring 1" long, 3/4" ID and secured to shaft. These magnet bearings repel to Part #33.
  35. Brass-collar 3/8" thick, 3/4" ID, 1-1/4" OD, set-screwed to Shaft #4.
  36. Six copper bars bolted to Part #32spaced 60 degrees apart. These bars form an ID of 6-13/16" ID by 8-5/8" OD by 1/4" thick.
  37. Mica ring 1/16" thick between bars #36 and part #32.
  38. Nylon screws to old bars #36 to Part #32.
  39. Nylon tube, 6-3/4" OD, 1/8" wall thickness, 3-5/8" long.
  40. Are 133 plastic magnets, .012" thick, 8-3/4" OD, 6-3/4" ID.
  41. Are 132 flat rows of #27 wire, 60 turns per row.
  42. Non-metal holding cap secured to Part #32, Aluminum Casting.
  43. Six copper contacts bolted to Part #36 held with brass screws.
  44. Brass brush holder held to Part #19.
  45. Six boron carbide contacts spaced 60 degrees apart forming a circle 6-5/8" ID, 8=1/2" OD, 1/4" thick.
  46. Six pieces of 1/16" thick Mica placed between Part #45 and brush holder #44.
  47. Nylon screws to hold contacts #45 to brush holder #44.
  48. Six coaxial cable wires secured to each boron carbide contact #45.
  49. A 1/2" thick clear acrylic top plate with a 2" ID and 9" OD. This plate is a snug fit to part #19, the inner brass tube and it rests on the top of Part #44. This cover serves as a safety device to keep objects from falling into a running unit. ALSO - the cover helps to contain charged MAGNETIC AIR, which aids in the total magnetic current charging process.
  50. One rope pulley secured to Part #32 aluminum Casting. When the lower shaft is at full speed, pull a rope to rotate this pulley. The part #32 must be rotated counter clockwise (backwards). It will then accelerate up to a speed range of around 2200 Rpm's depending on the load.
  51. Are 8 grooves cut into the top surface of Part 35. These grooves are to circuit wires from the 8 generator coils Part #14 over to the 16 copper bars Part #30.
  52. Are 24 pieces of .092" thick plastic magnets 8-1/4" long by 5/16" wide. There are 4 locations of 24 pieces per location. The locations are between the North and South magnets.
  53. Eight rectangular slots cut into Part #19, the inner brass tube. These slots measure 4-1/2" high, 1-1/2" wide cut through the 1/4" thickness of Part #19.
  54. A hardened non-metal tube to support ball bearings #3. This tube is pressed into base plate #2. This tube serves to insulate the center shaft from the base plate, which then prevents an unwanted energy draw to the unit.
  55. Are Four graphite brushes, 1/2" wide, 1/4" thick, 2" long, held to the top of Part #5, the Delrin base plate. 
  56. Four copper brushes, 1/2" wide, 1/4" thick, 2" long, held to the bottom surface of Part #5, Delrin base. Four wires are used to connect each graphite brush #55 to one of these copper brushes.
  57. Four graphite brushes 1/2" wide, 1/4" thick, 2" long held to the brass base, Part #2
  58. Four 1/8" thick Mica plates between Parts #57 and #2.
  59. Four coaxial cable wires, one wire to each Part #57.
  60. One piece of armature banding tape, 1" wide, .010" thick, secured into a .010" deep indent portion of outer rods #8. This band is located at a centerline 4-1/2" above base plate #5. As the other generator rotates at 5,600 Rpm, this band serves to prevent the outer rods from expanding outward from centrifugal force.
  61. Two circular 3/8" dia. carbon brushes, 3/4" long. These brushes are lightly spring held to the top surface of Parts #12. Thus the top surface of Parts #12 need to be machined to allow the brushes to slide as needed.
  62. Are two brush insulation jackets with springs to hold Part #61. These brush holders are secured into Part #17, the brass top ring. These jackets are located 180 degrees apart, centered between the magnets that have the same polarities (two north inward faces together and 180 degrees across, two south inward faces together. These brushes remove magnetic charges from the rods for every 180 degrees of rod travel. This removed energy is used as needed.
  63. Are two insulated coaxial cable wires that go to a device needing magnetic current.

Explanation as to how the interaction of both rotors takes place:
On the inner rotor which rotates backward, there are 132 flat rows of #27 insulated motor wire with 60 turns per row. Between each flat row is a spacer made of .012" thick plastic magnet material.
These 132 flat rows of wire are wound as six separate circuits with one end of each circuit connected to one copper bar Part #36. The other end of each circuit is connected to one copper bar of Part #43.
Each of the six separate circuits has 22 rows of wires. All of the wires from any given circuit are wound in the same direction, thus three circuits are wound clockwise and three are wound backwards or counter clockwise. Next, after five more layers are added to this first coil, then this seventh layer (from circuit #1) again gets wound clockwise. Circuit #2 again gets wound counter clockwise and this pattern continues for all six separate circuits.
As these 132 flat rows of #27 wire get pulsed 'ON', half of them setup a pulse of one kind of polarity and half of the opposite polarity. When magnetic energy is allowed to be circuited from the six boron carbide contacts, a current flow through these coils causes a slight SPEED change to this inner rotor. The inner rotor has a 2-3/4" to 1 speed ratio; however, this speed will vary due to the load from a high of 2500 RPM to a low of 2200 RPM. As these two armatures rotate, they create a certain VORTEX condition that draws energy into the generator. At the high of 2500 RPM, each set of the six circuits get turned 'ON' a total of six times per complete turn, because of crossing over the six carbon brushes Part #29. Thus we have six circuits activated six different times for ONE complete rotation which equals 36 x 2500 RPM or 90,000 pulses per minute.
These charges become amplified by the 133 plastic magnets and cause a certain magnetic pulse rate to influence the inner 8 permanent magnets. This action is an influencing factor, which causes the start-up shaft speed of 5,600 RPM to be maintained.
Explanation of Parts #52:
Note that these plastic magnets are located between North and South magnets. This particular placement causes the fields of the outer permanent magnets to become extended, and in the process, these plastic magnets become charged, somewhat like magnetic capacitors. The magnetic pulse sequence that occurs within the framework of the 8 coils, Part #16 has a very definite purpose. This action has to do with the amount of driving power achieved. The polarity of the plastic magnets is such that the 2 permanent magnets (one on each side) are BOTH attracting these 24 pieces of plastic magnets.
This action SETS UP A MOVING MAGNETIC CHARGE that travels in the direction of rotation. This moving magnetic charge also contributes to the rotation by ATTRACTING and RELEASING the rods that pass directly in front of these plastic magnets.
When we speak of a MAGNETIC generator, do not equate this unit to an ELECTRICAL generator. Remember this very important principle, that 'MAGNETISM CAN MANIFEST WITH A PULSE-RATE,' which gives it directed harmonic power to perform multiple tasks.
The various magnetic currents within this generator flow to their destinations because they are attracted there. Each part of the unit contributes to the formation of a unique magnetic current polarity that performs specific functions without interrupting the other polarities. These many different currents can work side by side in harmony much like a healthy human body that has many different processes constantly working for specific purposes.
There is a continuous transmutation process taking place whereby magnetic energy continually generates an energy that manifests a MEASURABLE current. This measurable magnetic current is caused to happen through the use of PARTICULAR pulsing action. This pulsing action is established by ALTERNATING the magnetic attract of the magnets. To establish the actual pulse frequency of this unit we simply COUNT the polarity changes per minute.
As the eight generator coils take their circular travel path, one would suppose that as these coils pass through powerful sets of permanent magnets, surely this activity would generator SPARK. This does not happen because electricity is the BY-PRODUCT of a troubled magnetic field and the movement of these coils DOES NOT trouble the fields of these magnets.
The INNER rotor CHANGES the magnetic pulse-rates of the permanent magnets, a magnetic action that prevents an elastic HOLDBACK to the coils. The generating of electricity DEPENDS UPON a resistance FACTOR. Thus, without resistance, or the TROUBLING of the magnetic fields electricity will NOT be produced. This unit should be POSITIVE PROOF that an electron is simply a grouping of magnetic molecular structures that were caused to gather because of the TROUBLING of a magnetic field.
The 244 rods that are located at the outside and inside surfaces of the eight generator coils contribute to the changes in the magnets' pulse rates. These rods are CAUSED to partly REDIRECT the attracting action between the NORTH/SOUTH fields of the permanent magnets. This redirecting of the lines of force also AIDS in preventing an elastic holdback condition to the coils. To explain, when a rod starts to arrive in front of, let us say, a NORTH magnet, this rod instantly grabs (or acquires) this same north charge. This charge is then ATTRACTED upward to the connecting bar that has secured to it a rod that is passing in front of a SOUTH magnet. The magnetic fields are caused to be STRETCHED upward instead of needing to ONLY penetrate directly through the copper coils.
This action becomes responsible for breaking a massive number of 'lines of magnetic force,' as the attracting magnets send their force fields BETWEEN the rods, to then penetrate the coils. This activity creates TWO separate magnetic pulse-rates, one group of pulsing is UP and DOWN (as well as down and up) while the second set of pulse-rates pass directly through the coils. All of these pulsing actions COMBINE with a certain blending of magnetic circuitry that then flows as MAGNETIC CURRENT to the light box.
Another action that aids in preventing a HOLDBACK condition (of the coils) is the magnetic charging of the rods. When any given rod travels past a magnet FACE, it picks up a LIKE charge that is carried PAST this magnet. This charge is an ATTRACT polarity to the magnet it is approaching and thus gets PULLED in the direction of rotation. This is a NEEDED rod charging action because it aids in maintaining the speed of this outer rotor. These charged rods will only maintain this driving activity for 360 degrees if the rods are cleaned of this magnetic current. The two brushes that contact the Nickel connection bars accomplish this cleaning, or charge removal action. This removal process produces USEFUL magnetic current. However, if this energy did not get circuited away from these rods, it would result in MAGNETIC FLOW stoppage as the magnetic molecular structures transmute into a GROUPING PROCESS identified as ELECTRONS. This energy would then manifest with a discharge of SPARK to the permanent magnets.
The design of this generator is arranged to NOT produce spark in that spark argues, short-circuits, etc. Magnetism manifests as a FORM of light inside the generator, light that is not electrical in nature. ALL light can be categorized as being a light FORM of magnetic energy.
As each rod travels a 360-degree rotation it will completely change polarities at six different locations. One might suppose that since there are eight sets of permanent magnets, surely the rods would change their charge every time they travel between each of these magnet sets. However, there are two of these magnet sets that DO NOT change polarities. This arrangement (of the magnets) creates two massive magnetic fields located 180 degrees across from each other. Thus, this unit has a magnet arrangement whereby eight sets of magnets respond as only SIX sets of magnets. This arrangement of magnets builds the DESIRED pulse-rate for the rods. The pulse counting of the rods is found as we take 244 rods times six pulses equals 1,464 rod pulses PER ROTATION. Next, we take these 1,464 pulses times the rotations of 5600 RPM and arrive at 8,198,400 pulses to the rods per minute.
The rods' pulses are LONG, up and down pulses, that cause a certain kind of WAVE FRONT COLLISION to the lines of magnetic force that pass BETWEEN these rods. This action IMPACTS the eight generating coils with an INDUCTION charge that SETS POLARITIES inside the coils. Every time the magnet polarities are changed on each side of the copper core (of the coils), this copper grabs the induction charge of magnetism to then get circuited into the eight coils of wire. Because magnetism can travel without speed restrictions, these events happen instantaneously.
Each of the eight generating coils gets charged every time it passes between a set of permanent magnets. Thus, each coil is charged eight times PER ROTATION. However, the coil's FULL POWER GENERATING ACTION is in-tune with the timing of when the coil is caused to complete a FLOW CIRCUIT. This flow sequence is best reviewed as we study the actions of the six carbon brushes (part #29). Each of the eight coils has two wires. These sixteen wires get connected to sixteen copper bars (one wire per bar). The six carbon brushes always pulse to FOUR coils activated as 'ON' while FOUR coils are being OFF. Next, during a rotational travel distance of 15 degrees, for the coil assembly, all of the ON coils get circuited to being 'OFF' coils while all the OFF coils are then ON coils. To expand on this pulse counting we find 24 coil polarity changes happen in just 360 degrees of travel (one rotation). Next, to arrive at the coils pulse-rate, that is set by the six carbon brushes, we take 24 pulses per rotation times 5600 RPM to then equal 134,400 coil pulses per minute.
Of importance is that EACH coil is charged eight times per rotation. There are 64 coil CHARGE pulses in 360 degrees. Next, take 64 coil charges times 5600 RPM and arrive at 358,400 CHARGES per minute. Thus, each coil is being charged more than twice as much as the coil CIRCUIT REMOVAL action is. This DELAY of energy removal causes the charge, in the coils, to build-up to a charging volume whereby it JUMPS a (very close) SPACE GAP between the sixteen copper bars and the six carbon brushes.
There is a strong attract field between the eight generator coils and the six carbon brushes. The inner counter-rotating rotor contributes to the attract force of the generated magnetic current of the eight coils. The ACTIVITY of the inner counter-rotating rotor requires a deeper understanding if we are to focus on HOW magnetic current is generated.
To begin this investigation of the inner rotor, we first review the motor JUST BEFORE the inner rotor is installed. We note the eight powerful magnets are arranged in a close circle, where EACH magnet is caused to have its field COMPRESSED. We could equate this action to each magnet as having its field squashed, likened to compressible spur gears. This arrangement results in each magnet DEMANDING its share of the center space.
Next, the inner rotor is inserted and all of these compressed fields REDIRECT into the plastic washer shaped magnets. These plastic magnets are then TOTALLY CHANGED in magnetic strength as they ACQUIRE these fields from the permanent magnets. This activity CAUSES the permanent magnets to change their pulse rate. Then as the outer rotor is driven, these inner magnetic fields rotate backwards. Magnetism always operates in two directions simultaneously; this is a natural phenomenon. These rotors demonstrate this phenomenon because the energy of the permanent magnets saturates the plastic magnets which willingly take on a new polarity similar to the permanent magnets. The plastic magnets are the manifestation of the naturally occurring reverse fields of the permanent magnets. When the inner rotor is given a pull-start BACKWARDS, it then quickly accelerates up to the speed of 2200 RPM. This rotating action sets in motion a PULSE CHANGE to the OUTER permanent magnet fields.
The polarities of the inner and outer magnets blend to create a locking harmonic resonance that is stable. This activity results in both rotors continuing to rotate, backward of each other.
Now we will focus on how the plastic washer magnets are caused to pulse. Every plastic magnet has a coil of wire located on each side. These flat coils of wire are used to circuit magnetic current from the eight large generator coils to the six output brushes. The magnetic current, stored in the carbon ring, is NEUTRAL, that is to say, it will attract to whatever polarity it is offered. The plastic washer magnets have a set-charge ON EACH SIDE, let us say NORTH on one side and SOUTH on the other. As the neutral magnetic current from the carbon ring is attracted into the flat coils that are on (for example) the NORTH sides of the plastic magnets, this incoming energy grabs this north polarity of the plastic magnet because the incoming energy traveled through only the north coil of the plastic magnets. This action creates momentary NORTH poles that manifest from the bottom to the top of the plastic magnets.
Then, the South coils around the plastic magnets get pulsed with neutral magnetic current from the carbon ring. This action creates SOUTH poles that now manifest from the bottom to the top of the plastic magnets. This action of polarity switching continues as it responds to the permanent magnets inner fields causing continuous rotations.
These magnets need to be fed RETURN magnetic energy from the load in order to remain fully charged. There is a vastly different magnetic pulse-rate that impacts the carbon brushes. These carbon brushes pass 'very close' to the bottom surfaces of the sixteen permanent magnets. To focus on the pulse number we note that as ONE carbon brush travels under one magnet, the brush is charged half north and half south. This is because this bottom surface of the magnet shares lines of force with both polarities, then when the brush travels to the next magnet; this charge is SWITCHED from one side of the brush to the other side of the SAME brush. There are eight carbon brushes that travel under the sixteen magnets (eight at the inner magnets and eight at the outer magnets). This particular location of the magnets has the flux lines VERY compacted into zones where half of this surface is one polarity and half the opposite polarity. As these brushes CRASH THROUGH these flux lines, they CAUSE a MAGNETIC VIBRATION to the magnet's magnetic energy waves. This activity helps to FORM new magnetic pulse-rates to the magnets, which impact the total generating process.
To find the pulse rate to these eight carbon brushes, which are all connected to one contact wire; we count the pulse rates for a single 360-degree rotation. We total the sixteen magnets times 8 carbon brushes to equal 128 pulses per rotation. Next, 128 pulses times 5600 RPM equals 716,800 pulse charges per minute. This magnetic current then travels along a copper-coated steel wire (coaxial cable) as it INTERACTS between the light box and the magnets' return location.
Thus, while all magnets have a draw factor to the atmosphere, it is a necessary part of a magnetic flow to return magnetic current back to the magnets to then be recycled.
Our current method of generating electricity to power lights, appliances, etc. is slowing destroying our planet. Electromagnetic pollution and chemical pollution must be stopped, and our method of generating electricity must be replaced. All conventional devices can be replaced with magnetically driven devices that will have far superior performance. Scientists will soon come to realize that electricity is causing our ozone layer to deteriorate. The ozone layer and the ionosphere are powerful energy fields that are magnetic in nature. The energy from the ionosphere enables all technology to operate, but when motors and generators are not designed properly they do not recycle their energy back into the earth's energy system. Our current technology is stripping the ionosphere of it's energy without properly recycling it. The need for new magnetic technology is becoming critical. This Magnetic Current Generator is one example of a device that can better our lives and help our planet by giving us free energy without pollution.
The functioning of this generator violates many current scientific principles. Most scientists assume that current theories, rules, and laws are true, and so they do not seek to develop technology that may violate accepted truths. Our current technology is a product of accepted scientific principles. Our current technology is killing us. We must begin to explore new principles and new technology to ensure our survival. For the sake of our survival we urge you to begin to think "outside of the box", the current scientific paradigm that is leading us into destruction. Our destructive technology was all developed out of fear; fear of not having enough money, fear of dying, fear of losing control...it is time to start creating devices and machines out of love! Please share this information with others.

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